Sunday, February 8, 2009

Nordic Walking in Washington DC

Nordic Walking,running,biking or just walking is a lot of fun in Washington DC. Not only do you get your exercise you can get "educated" as well. There are so many historical sites and places to visit in the DC area such as the Lincoln Memorial at night.
On a recent trip to DC in Jan., which included the presidential inauguration, I walked every where. Just within the National Mall itself there are many of the famous museums, monuments and parks. Walking from the US Capital building to the Lincoln Memorial is 1.9miles. The Washington Monument is about halfway between the to 2 points.

One of my favorite routes is walking through Arlington National Cemetery.This area has many hills which is nice to add to your route.
It is a very "sobering" place as you reflect into your thoughts as you walk past the Tomb of the Unknown Solders, the memorials to the astronauts who perished in space, the graves of former presidents and mostly the thousands of graves of military people.
The most chilling aspect, to me, of this Cemetery, is the vastness of the white grave stones, they are lined up as far as the eye can see in most places. It really makes you wonder about the United States, its history, the present day and its future.

So next time you head to Washington DC, grab your Nordic Walking poles and enjoy your walking and all the sites.