Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In their own words, "How Nordic Walking has Benefited My Life"

In their own words........

"Several years ago, I began walking to help deal with a medical condition. I reached the point were I was averaging 3 mile walks, six or seven days a week. In July, my doctor suggested that I needed to increase the amount and/or intensity of my exercise in order to maintain the medical benefit. I took Jeanne's Nordic Walking class in early October and have been Nordic Walking ever since. I have found that my walking pace has increased (probably due to having to swing my arms with the poles). I have also been able to walk longer distances as the poles bear some of my weight and keep my feet from getting tired. An additional benefit has been a loosening of my upper back so that I can turn my neck and shoulders more easily when backing my car. I believe that Nordic Walking has had a positive affect on my health. Thanks for introducing me to Nordic Walking, Jeanne."

Tom D. Queensbury,NY

Nordic Walking at Night and Safety Visibility

In the Eastern part of the United States, where I live, we have just gone onto Standard Daylight Time. That means it is dark when I get out of work. I still Nordic walk.

However, it is import to be seen by motorist and others when Nordic Walking at night.

I wear a reflective vest with a blinking red light on the front. I have reflective stickers on my poles. I have reflective strips on my shoes (that are part of my walking shoes). There are many items of reflectivibilty you can add to your wardrobe so you are seen at night.
The main thing is to be seen and avoid any accidents.
Please be careful, be smart and be seen at night when Nordic walking.

Remember to walk on the sidewalks or the side of the street and walk facing the direction the vehicles are coming.

Take care and enjoy Nordic Walking at night!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Shoes for winter Nordic Walking

If you are serious about keeping up with your Nordic Walking in the winter you might consider a pair of Icebug's made specially for those hardy winter Nordic Walkers and runners. These shoes have a studded sole so you can maintain your natural stride on icy, snowy surfaces.