Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In their own words, "How Nordic Walking has Benefited My Life"

In their own words........

"Several years ago, I began walking to help deal with a medical condition. I reached the point were I was averaging 3 mile walks, six or seven days a week. In July, my doctor suggested that I needed to increase the amount and/or intensity of my exercise in order to maintain the medical benefit. I took Jeanne's Nordic Walking class in early October and have been Nordic Walking ever since. I have found that my walking pace has increased (probably due to having to swing my arms with the poles). I have also been able to walk longer distances as the poles bear some of my weight and keep my feet from getting tired. An additional benefit has been a loosening of my upper back so that I can turn my neck and shoulders more easily when backing my car. I believe that Nordic Walking has had a positive affect on my health. Thanks for introducing me to Nordic Walking, Jeanne."

Tom D. Queensbury,NY

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