Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wintery Weather and Nordic Walking.

It is October 27, 2008 and it is time to get out the shovels and warm outerwear! Mother nature is going to provide to us with a taste of winter, early!

No fear, one can Nordic Walk all year round. Nordic Walking poles have a metal tip to use on the snow and also one can use a rubber tip with metal studs too! So dress in layers and head out in the snow.

If it is too icy you can add a pair of Yaktrax to your boots or shoes. http://www.yaktrax.com/
"Yaktrax practically eliminate slips on ice and packed snow because of the fantastic traction you get...with hundreds of biting edges...in all directions.They work like tire chains for your shoes."
In any event, get outdoors and enjoy!

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